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NYC Student Defense Lawyer

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Allegations of misconduct can affect a student’s life at college, impacting educational and professional opportunities. The possible impact on students’ academic future, the stress of complex university policies, and the legal system can be a lot to process. But you don’t have to face these charges alone. 

Former New York City Prosecutor Mehdi Essmidi knows what students may face when dealing with university disciplinary actions. Our law firm is 100% dedicated to providing a solid legal defense, working hard to secure the best possible outcome for each case.

Whether you are facing academic misconduct allegations, Title IX violations, or criminal charges, we can guide you through the process. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Student Disciplinary Issues We Handle

Educational institutions often have strict policies and may run investigations and hearings separate from any legal proceedings. These processes can be complex and intimidating, potentially putting your academic future at risk.

Our student defense attorneys have experience defending students against a wide range of allegations, including:


Hazing incidents on college campuses can have serious academic consequences. Students accused of involvement in hazing activities may face disciplinary action from their institution. Hazing allegations can include: 

  • Forced consumption of alcohol or drugs
  • Physical abuse or endurance tests
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Degrading tasks
  • Isolation from others

Engaging a qualified attorney is crucial to addressing the complexities of hazing allegations and protecting your academic life.


Accusations of plagiarism can have serious consequences for students in New York City’s academic institutions. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism allegations can jeopardize your academic performance and career prospects. Plagiarism allegations can take various forms, including:

  • Copying text directly from a source without proper citation
  • Paraphrasing without acknowledging the original source
  • Submitting another student’s work as your own
  • Purchasing papers or essays from online sources

When accused of plagiarism, having skilled legal representation can make a difference in preserving your academic reputation and minimizing disciplinary consequences. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

As a student in New York City, facing charges related to drugs or alcohol can be a frightening experience. These allegations can have consequences that extend beyond your academic life. Common drug and alcohol-related allegations for students include:

  • Possession of controlled substances
  • Distribution or intent to distribute drugs
  • Underage drinking
  • Driving under the influence (DUI/DWI)
  • Public intoxication

The potential consequences of drug and alcohol infractions can involve mandatory drug or alcohol treatment programs and driver’s license suspension (for DUI/DWI charges). If you’re facing drug or alcohol-related allegations, an attorney can provide essential guidance to help mitigate the impact on your educational path.


Being accused of campus discrimination can be a serious and distressing situation. These allegations can have significant consequences for your higher education and professional prospects, even when they are unfounded. Discrimination allegations in academic settings may involve:

  • Racial or ethnic discrimination
  • Gender-based discrimination
  • Sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination
  • Religious discrimination
  • Disability discrimination
  • Age discrimination

Allegations of discrimination require a knowledgeable attorney to help you ensure your rights are protected throughout the institutional process.

Weapons Allegations

Possessing a weapon on campus, whether intentional or accidental, is treated as a serious offense by educational institutions and can lead to disciplinary action or even criminal charges, potentially impacting your future beyond your college years. Allegations in this category include:

  • Possession of firearms, knives, or other prohibited items on campus
  • Threatening to use a weapon against others
  • Displaying or brandishing a weapon on campus
  • Bringing replica or non-functional weapons that violate campus policies

For accusations of weapons possession, having a lawyer can be critical in safeguarding your educational and personal future.


Allegations of physical confrontations on campus can have many repercussions for students in New York City. Disciplinary action for fighting can result in suspension, expulsion, or even legal charges. Educational institutions often view fights as threats to campus safety, so they may impose severe penalties even if you acted in self-defense. Common accusations related to fighting include:

  • Physical assault or battery
  • Involvement in brawls or group altercations
  • Intimidating behavior or physical threats
  • Disrupting campus peace through physical confrontation

Accusations of fighting on campus can involve many students and witness statements. Hiring a lawyer can be key in protecting both your academic standing and your future.

Title IX Allegations

Facing allegations of Title IX allegations can be a daunting experience for students in New York City. These accusations can potentially impact your academic career, personal life, and future professional opportunities. Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational institutions. Allegations can include:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual assault or misconduct
  • Dating or domestic violence
  • Stalking
  • Gender-based discrimination
  • Retaliation against someone who has filed a Title IX complaint


Reinstated 2020 Title IX Regulations

In January 2025, a federal court vacated the 2024 Title IX Rule, leading to the reinstatement of the 2020 Title IX regulations. This reversion affects how educational institutions define and handle sexual harassment allegations, emphasizing a narrower definition and specific procedural requirements. Students involved in Title IX proceedings should be aware of these changes, as they impact the rights and processes within educational disciplinary actions.

Title IX investigations and hearings fall under specific procedures that may differ from criminal proceedings. Educational institutions are required to investigate and address Title IX complaints promptly, which can sometimes lead to rushed processes that may not fully protect the rights of the accused.

Given the serious implications of Title IX allegations, consulting an experienced attorney is essential for ensuring your rights are protected in these sensitive cases.

Potential Consequences for College Students

The repercussions of misconduct allegations can jeopardize a student’s full academic year or worse. Here’s an overview of the potential issues students may face:

Academic Consequences

  • Suspension: Temporary removal from the university, often ranging from a semester to an entire academic year.
  • Transcript Notations: Many universities place permanent notations on academic transcripts for serious misconduct, which can affect applications and employment opportunities.
  • Loss of Academic Progress: Suspension or expulsion can result in lost credits, delayed graduation, and wasted tuition fees.
  • Expulsion: Permanent dismissal from the university, which can make it difficult to gain admission to other institutions.

Legal Consequences

  • Criminal Record: Convictions for crimes like drug possession, assault, or sexual offenses can result in a permanent criminal record.
  • Fines: Many offenses carry significant financial penalties.
  • Probation: Court-ordered supervision that can restrict students’freedom and opportunities.
  • Incarceration: Serious offenses may result in jail or prison time, even for first-time offenders.
  • Sex Offender Registration: Certain sex-related offenses require registration as a sex offender, which can have serious implications.

Immigration Consequences for International Students

  • Visa Revocation: Certain criminal convictions can result in immediate visa revocation.
  • Deportation: Serious offenses may lead to removal proceedings.
  • Inadmissibility: Some convictions can make a student inadmissible to the U.S., affecting future study abroad opportunities or future immigration plans.

Further Issues Surrounding Student Conduct Disciplinary Proceedings

  • Reputation Damage: In today’s digital age, accusations can spread rapidly, potentially tarnishing students’ reputations among peers, faculty, and future employers.
  • Interim Measures: Universities often implement immediate actions like suspension or no-contact orders, disrupting students’ education before any finding of responsibility.
  • Academic Record: Notations on students’ academic records can affect graduate school applications or future employment opportunities.
  • Witness Preparation: School interviews and hearings can be tough on students, even interfering with grades and mental health. 
  • Dual Proceedings: In allegations involving law enforcement, you need lawyers with experience in both university disciplinary action and criminal charges, helping actions in one arena not negatively impact the other.

These are just some complexities that highlight why hiring a NYC student defense attorney is important to protect students’ rights and future.

How Our Student Defense Attorneys Can Help

A strong defense strategy is especially relevant in cases where colleges and universities take immediate disciplinary actions. Here are some ways we can help:

Gathering Evidence

Gathering evidence is a major step in any legal defense. It involves collecting all relevant information that can support a student’s innocence or at least minimize consequences.  

Criminal Charges

Though most misconduct cases are handled internally by universities, more serious allegations inevitably involve law enforcement. If a student case comes to that. We stand prepared to provide criminal defense and use every legal venue in our power to fight for the best possible outcome.

Controlled Calls

Controlled calls are particularly used in cases involving allegations of sexual assault, harassment, or other interpersonal crimes. These are supervised and recorded phone calls between the accused and the accuser (or another key witness), run under the guidance of the DA or the defense team, depending on the case. The aim is to elicit admissions, contradictions, or other useful statements from a student or witness to prove guilt. 

This can be especially harsh for young adults who are still developing and learning, and contacting an experienced defense lawyer right away may increase a student’s chances of gathering useful evidence before the DA gets involved.  

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Don’t let an accusation derail your future. At The Law Offices of Mehdi Essmidi, we bring our experience as former prosecutors to bear in defending students’ rights in student conduct disciplinary proceedings as well as legal processes. Contact us today for a free consultation.

FAQ: NYC Student Defense Lawyer

What are student conduct disciplinary proceedings?

Student conduct disciplinary proceedings are formal processes used by schools, colleges, and universities to address alleged student misconduct. These proceedings can range from academic dishonesty cases to more serious criminal allegations.

Can a student face both disciplinary action and criminal charges?

Yes. In some cases, alleged misconduct can lead to both disciplinary proceedings at your child’s educational institution and criminal charges in the New York court system. It’s crucial to have legal representation that can help you in both.

Do I need a lawyer for a school disciplinary hearing?

While not required, having a lawyer can significantly impact the outcome of a case. An experienced student defense attorney can help protect your rights, prepare your defense, and mitigate potential consequences on your academic future.

What is Title IX?

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational institutions. It often comes into play in cases involving sexual misconduct allegations. Title IX proceedings have their own rules and can have serious consequences for accused students.

Can false accusations lead to disciplinary action?

Unfortunately, yes. False accusations can still trigger disciplinary proceedings. It’s crucial to build up a strong defense to protect your reputation and academic record.

How can a student defense lawyer help with academic dishonesty charges?

A student defense lawyer can:

  • Help you understand charges and potential consequences
  • Gather evidence to support your case
  • Prepare you for hearings or negotiations with the school
  • Work to minimize the impact on your academic record and future opportunities